Donations we have made so far in 2023

In January 2023 we agreed to funding of £2880 to replace a greenhouse for the Healing Garden which is attached to Bowman Ward – this is where patients are able to learn new skills to aid with their rehabilitation.

In May 2023 we agreed to funding of £369 to replace the patient’s TV and to £125 to purchase a Karaoke Machine, both for Harvest Ward.

In July 2023 we agreed to £200 funding for the Minor Injuries Unit to purchase child friendly items to furnish the new MIU.

In September we agreed to funding of £117.15 for the Woodfield Stroke Rehab Unit to purchase a Biozoom Air Flavoured Device which enables patients who are unable to swallow or take anything by mouth to have tastes for pleasure by running a gas through fluids such as coffee to create a flavoured froth.

In October we agreed to funding of £4550 for Airwave mattresses which help to prevent pressure sores for Anchor Ward and the Woodfield Stroke Rehabilitation Unit and for Harbour CATU (Community Assessment and Treatment Unit).

Also in October we agreed to £228.88 for Out Patients’ Department to buy an Activity Wall Panel and wall stickers to make the waiting room more child friendly.