Forthcoming Events
29th & 30th March: The BHLF team will be doing the catering – serving refreshments, light lunches and teas, for the Open Garden for the National Garden Scheme at the beautiful garden owned by Tony Ryde and Dr James Wilson at The Lodge, Fletchers Bridge, Bodmin, PL30 4AN
21st June: Bodmin Hospital Fete, Fair Park, Bodmin – full details to come
For details of our 2024 Fete, click here
What we do …
The BHLF committee meet on the first Thursday of each month except in August and December. In November the AGM is held on the second Thursday. Committee meetings, are held in the Lanivet One For All Community Hall and commence at 10am when we hold formal discussions about how to raise funds and discuss requests from the wards for funding to purchase equipment and services not supplied by the NHS. In addition, sub committees are formed to arrange many of the events over the year. The Trustees normally meet twice a year.
Bodmin Hospital

The Bodmin Community Hospital was completed in 2002 and opened by Prince Charles in June that year, amalgamating the old East Cornwall Hospital and St Lawrences Hospital. It rates very highly in the NHS Star Ratings for efficiency, cleanliness, cheerfulness and personal patient care.
It was the first hospital to be built in Cornwall for 50 years at a cost of just over £10 million. It offers a wide range of medical and psychiatric care with two general wards, the Woodfield Stroke Unit, a Minor Injury Unit, Out-patient, Dental, Physiotherapy and X-ray departments. In addition there are five psychiatric wards which include an acute admissions ward, a psychiatric intensive care unit, rehabilitation services and a ward for the care of people with dementia, catering for patients throughout Cornwall.
In 2019 Sowenna, a new Adolescent Mental Health Unit with ‘state of the art’ facilities, was built within the hospital grounds and with 12 beds this caters for young people aged 13 to 18.
Parking for the hospital and all other facilities on the site is free and there is plenty of disabled parking. There is an excellent café within the hospital and facilities for parents with children.